Some Historic Mentions Of Honey-13.2x11.3-13.2x11.3

Some historic mentions of honey

• The renowned physician Hippocrates, also known as the “Father of Medicine,” who lived 2500 years ago and reached the age of 107, wrote extensively about the therapeutic properties of honey. He recommended it for treating various conditions, from throat inflammations to digestive issues, and one of his famous quotes about honey is: “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity. And honey, in particular, is a valuable food and medicine.”

• Aristotle, the “Father of Natural Sciences,” was a medicine expert, and believed that honey had health-strengthening properties and could prolong life.

• Pythagoras, the “Father of Mathematics,” who lived for 99 years, was known to be a honey enthusiast, as it was an essential part of his diet. He credited his longevity to his consumption of honey.

• Democritus, the Greek philosopher who proposed the atomic theory, also lived for over a hundred years. When asked about the secret of his robust health, he gave a simple answer: “People should eat honey and rub their skin with oil.”

• The ancient Greek poet Anacreon lived for 115 years. When Julius Caesar asked him about the reason behind his mental and physical strength even at such an old age, he replied: “Honey from the inside and oil from the outside.”

• It is known that Alexander the Great, who passed away during his conquest of the East, had his body submerged in honey, and it was then transported back to Macedonia for burial to prevent decomposition during the long journey through the Asian deserts.

• In 1808, Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov wrote: “Honey has unbelievable properties in preserving the essence of plants, roots, flowers, fruits, and even meat. The inhabitants of the island of Ceylon used to cut meat into pieces, rub it with honey, and store it in holes within trees at a certain height from the ground. Then they would seal those holes with branches from the same trees, and by doing so, they preserved the meat from external factors throughout the year while maintaining its quality, and most importantly, honey also improved its taste.”

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