Welcome toBARARI

Our ambitions are great, while the obstacles are many. In the field of work, we strive to achieve hope. Wishes are not granted by wishing. We made the decision, so we plunged into the immersion, where the joy of nature comes to life in the smallest details in each of our products, may it be a green footprint on this spacious Earth.

The passion of the BARARI team is to explore the natural resources of this Earth and how to utilize them sustainably. This was a strong motive for us to do scientific research on what we can offer, adding to it the knowledge we have gained during our many years of expertise, realizing at the same time that understanding all matters is beyond the capacity of the human mind.

At BARARI, we believe that nature holds the keys to health and pleasure together, so we have carefully selected the best of what it has provided us with, and focused our efforts around essential elements transforming them into a group of luxurious products that represent the elite and splendor of nature, where our passion meets the passion of many.


Our Philosophy is simple

We believe that nature implicates in its secrets the elements of nourishment and healing for the body and soul together. So we brought the wisdom of nature to you through our amazing products. Whether it is luxurious wild honey, especially from the wild mountains and valleys of Yemen, rich Arabica coffee, or ultra-fine aromatic henna powder, or other products that we will continue to strive to obtain and present to you in its finest form. Each product has been designed with the utmost care to provide an unparalleled experience.

At BARARI, we obtain the ingredients for our products directly from their sources. We believe that by being environmentally cautious, we can also preserve the essence that makes our products special.

We invite you to experience THE JOY OF NATURE through our products.

our philosophy

Our Mission

At BARARI, our mission is to provide the finest raw natural products to our valued clients and customers, while promoting sustainability and fair trade.

We are committed to sourcing natural products from its authentic origins by working with farmers and artisans who share our passion for excellence.

We aim to continually innovate and optimize our products and practices, to reach the highest qualities on the market while also promoting ethical and responsible behavior throughout our supply chain.

We strive to make a positive impact on the environment and the communities we work with by using eco-friendly practices and supporting our peoples’ working conditions.

our mission

Our Vision

BARARI’s ultimate goal is to share a space of this world where people can enjoy the purest, and most luxurious natural products while also supporting the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.

We envision a world where natural products are valued and appreciated for their unique qualities, and where people can connect with nature and each other through the products they consume.

With a focus on quality, sustainability, and social responsibility, we're committed to making our vision a reality, and we invite you to join us on this journey to heal the world and make it a more joyful place to live in.


Our Products


Arabica Coffee "Coming Soon"