- First and foremost, the consumer should ensure to buy honey from reputable and well-known sources.
- Raw honey is cloudy due to the presence of various impurities, such as pollen grains, propolis, beeswax, royal jelly, and small honeycomb particles. These impurities are an essential part of the natural composition of honey and contribute significantly to its nutritional and therapeutic benefits.
- On the other hand, honey from artificial hives is often transparent because it lacks pollen grains, either due to ultra-filtration, or by the prior removal of pollen due to placing traps at the entry of the hive to drop the pollen from the bees’ legs.
- Raw honey, collected by bees from flower nectar, tends to crystallize rapidly. In contrast, honey from artificial hives, in addition to being transparent, is usually liquid due to pasteurization.
- Crystallized honey, also known as “creamed” honey, may appear cloudy, but in reality, it looks that way due to its crystallization. This does not mean it is raw honey. Therefore, it is essential to check for impurities even if the honey is crystallized.
- Choosing specialized laboratories with international accreditation standards is an important option for testing the quality of honey and determining its raw elements content. However, due to the high cost of such testing, it might be difficult for consumers to choose this option. Hence, it is crucial to emphasize buying from reputable and trusted sources