- Boil pure drinking water (free of chlorine)
- After boiling the water, mix it with the Henna powder until it becomes a smooth dark brown paste.
- After mixing it, we suggest that the Henna paste be left so that it loses a little bit of its heat and becomes acceptably warm which does not hurt the scalp. The pigment will also be released in this step, and the paste will become dark brown; however, the Henna powder, while mixed with hot water, if it gives a green color paste after mixing, this is a sign that Henna powder was mixed with a harmful synthetic green color.
- Once applied on the hair, it should be covered by plastic shower cap, and should be left for 2 to 3 hours.
- After that, Henna should be washed with warm water, without any application of shampoo or any other hair care products.
- Then it should be dried well.
- After that, a proper bath oil should be applied on the hair in order to fix the color for a longer time and give it a better shine. (Oil bath application should take place after drying the hair. We do not encourage anyone to sleep with the oil on their hair, especially in cold weather)
- After the bath oil is done, one can be showering their hair with desired shampoo.
PS: This is our recommendation. However, there are a lot of methods to apply Henna on the hair and that varies from one culture to another. Some mix it with Cassia, Katam, or even Indigo and other natural compounds. Usually, there is no problem in mixing Henna with these substances, but we highly warn from mixing it with other chemicals, and we do not recommend mixing Henna with oil because this will slightly prevent the proper absorption of the Lawsone pigment.